
Degreasers DEGP200-12000

The Art. DEGP200-12000 Degreasers made by Eco Depurazione entirely in P.R.F.G (Glass-Reinforced Polyester) are monobloc vertical axis cylindrical structures sized for the pretreatment of waste waters coming from kitchens (refectories, restaurants, etc.) containing a high percentage of oils and greases.

Fibre Glass reinforced plastic deflector baffles are opportunely inserted in these structures for the purpose of determining, with their geometry, a settling zone and to favour the rising (flotation) speed of the lighter substances such as oils and greases.

The output piping was opportunely designed to avoid the rising oily particles from being dragged with the clear water.


The Art. DEGP200-12000 Degreasers were designed to obtain a suitable retention time and rising speed of the oily substances, in the flotation section.

In fact, with the insertion of the deflectors, turbulent waste water intake and output zones are identified, and a central settling zone where the separation of the two phases (water-oil) of liquids which are not mixable and of a different specific gravity, takes place.

Item Specifications


Supply of DEGP200-12000 series Degreaser made entirely in GRP (Glass-Reinforced Polyester) with monobloc vertical axis cylindrical structure sized to guarantee the limits established for floating substances in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 152/06, equipped with GRP separation baffles for the flotation of substances such as oils and greases.


Dimensioni mm
ARTICOLO Descrizione Volume Mc Diametro Altezza HU Altezza HT
DEGP200 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 0,2 650 650 700
DEGP300 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 0,3 650 900 1000
DEGP400 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 0,4 800 800 1000
DEGP500 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 0,5 800 1000 1200
DEGP1000 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 1,00 1000 1300 1600
DEGP1500 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 1,5 1200 1350 1650
DEGP2000 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 2,00 1200 1800 2100
DEGP3000 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 3,00 1500 1700 2000
DEGP4000 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 4,00 1500 2300 2600
DEGP4000-B Degrassatore in Vetroresina 4,00 1800 1600 1900
DEGP5000 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 5,00 1800 2000 2300
DEGP6000 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 6,00 1800 2400 2700
DEGP8000 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 8,00 2100 2350 2650
DEGP9000 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 9,00 2100 2600 2900
DEGP10000 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 10,00 2500 2050 2350
DEGP12000 Degrassatore in Vetroresina 12,00 2500 2450 2800
      Dimensioni mm
ARTICOLO Descrizione Volume Mc Diametro. Altezza HU Lunghezza
DEGP3000-OR Degrassatore in Vetroresina 3,00 1500        1250 2150
DEGP5000-OR Degrassatore in Vetroresina 5,00 1800 1550 2400
DEGP20000-OR Degrassatore in Vetroresina 20,00 2100 1850 6500

Data sheet

Materials used

  • GRP (Glass-Reinforced Polyester) STRUCTURE
  • PP (Polypropylene) MANHOLES


UNI EN 1825 – 1 – 2005

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